1st Period After C-Section Delivery – Things You Should Know

A C-Section is a procedure in which a baby is born through surgery instead of vaginal birth. The delivery takes place through a surgical incision on the uterus and the belly of the mother. Most women who undergo C-Section wonder about their first period after C-Section delivery. To tell you all the truth, periods do return after some time depending on your hormones and health conditions. Breast feeding and other factors. However, it does affect the nature of the period. Remember that there will be numerous changes in your body and as well as in your menstrual cycle after a C-Section. All you need to take good care of your health, Be stress-free and enjoy motherhood.

When Does A Menstrual Cycle Resume

Women are confused about their menstrual cycle post their child birth. Menstrual cycle will typically resume immediate after six weeks of their child birth who aren’t feeding their babies. Those who breast feed their babies period will occur only after several months of child birth. Some times women may even get their periods after 1 year or will not return until two years. It all depends upon the women’s hormonal changes and depends on their health conditions.

How does the period affects the breast milk

The resume of your period post delivery or after child birth will be affected on your breast feeding. You can continue breast feeding if you feel to be comfortable. Some women have sudden decrease of milk production before there menstrual cycle starts and will again milk production will be increased once the hormonal changes comes to the normal levels. Mainly consult your doctor/ gynecologists’ about post pregnancy menstrual cycle issues and take an advice about the breast feeding.

Factors That Affect Your Menstrual Cycle

After delivery or child birth their wont be any chance of your first period until you are breast feeding .This period is called as Lactational Amenorrhea. Your period period is only depending upon your breast feeding and introduction of soft foods in to your baby’s diet. We cant predict when does the period will return after child birth/post pregnancy. All it all depends upon the baby feeding which influences your period. When your body starts releasing eggs again, You can get pregnant without arrival of your first period post delivery/giving birth. They are more better and safe ways of contraception options to consider when you are breast feeding. Before planning for sexual intercourse after child birth its better to consult your doctor for advice. Menstruation and Resume of ovulation means the hormonal changes are taking place in the body. It may affect the breast feeding and changes the taste of your breast milk and their supply. Whenever the baby fusses about the change their is no need to worry about. It regains their original taste after the hormonal changes reaches their normal levels.

When To Consult Your Doctor

When you experience a severe period.
Blood Clots
Foul smell and change of your regular period color
Experiencing Severe illness, weakness, Dizziness or trouble in breathing
Anything else you are feeling unusual about your first period after child birth.

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